Monday, April 28, 2008

Big Brother 9 Rant #6: Woot Woot Baller!

My prediction was correct...Adam wins!! I think this is the first winner I've actually liked. Dick was disgusting, Boogie was an elf and Maggie was just plain boring.

Baller played a very good social game which is why he ended up winning over Ryan. Ryan honestly let Adam control most of his moves at the end game which is what cost him the money. Evicting Natalie and Sheila, two people he would have had a better chance against in the final two, were incredibly dumb moves for Ryan. Now that I look back on it, evicting Sharon was also a bad move for Ryan because it cost him her jury vote.

Obviously James won the America's choice, but I really found it funny how Julie announced Sheila as second. Sheila goes home with no money except for her stipend. I tried voting for Josh, but my browser was fucked up. Josh is still my favorite contestant from this season and definitely the most entertaining houseguest. I loved his comment about Natalie and how only two people could go to F2. If there is an Allstars 2, I would definitely want Josh to be in it, as well as Allison. My two favorites this year were bitter enemies till the end lol.

Overall the finale was decent. It felt a little rushed and I hope the producers make the finale two hours long for BB10 like they do on Survivor.


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