Friday, March 28, 2008

Big Brother 9 Rant #3: OMG JOSH, DON'T GO HOME!!!!

Day 52

Sorry, but I've been kind of busy (lol), so I haven't posted anything, but I've got a WHOLE LOT OF SHIT to say about Big Brother. On a side note, waaaah I can't apply for season 10 this year because I don't turn 21 till after the DEADLINE. My dreams have been shattered!

Alright, well Natalie surprisingly won HOH and put up Josh and James, with the target being James. James won POV and Natalie is going to put up Sharon as a replacement nominee.

Things were looking grim for Josh after the POV ceremony, but I knew deep down in my heart that Josh would pull through and think of something to save his ass. He is just that great of a player. His secret alliance with Ryan has become very very handy! Ryan worked Natalie into thinking that Sharon is a bigger threat than Josh. He told Natalie that Sharon is not only better physically at challenges, but is also an untrustworthy mole. I gotta give credit when credit is due, Ryan did make a very good argument. Sharon is a much bigger threat than Josh, both in terms of challenges and as final two competition. No one hates this woobie lover. Who wouldn't give her the money if she made it to final two? Anyway, long story short, Josh, Natalie, Ryan and James have made an agreement to keep Josh this week over Sharon. The vote will go 2-2 and Natalie will break the tie keeping Josh and sending Sharon and her blanket out the door. Josh also promised both Natalie and Ryan that they get two weeks safety from him if he wins HOH. The funniest part about this agreement/alliance is that they have already begun discussing putting up Sheila and Adam next week. Nat and Ryan sure are quick to throw their allies under the bus. LOL!!!!

The only thing I'm worried about is that Josh told Natalie that Ryan and him have been cool and had a deal for a few weeks. That might have not been a good idea, but we will see how that pans out.

During this entire discussion between the four of them up in the HOH room, Sharon is downstairs crying, literally bawling her eyes out, over the fact that Josh would be going home this week. I feel so bad for her...Little does she know that she will be the one going home! Sharon really has little game left in her, it's sad. I thought she would pull through and start showing her cards, but all she is doing is pouting like the emo girl who sits in the back row of your English class---sad sad Sharon.

As much as I like Sharon, I like Joshua more! So between the two going home I'm ecstatic that Josh is most likely going to stay unless Natalie opens her stupid trap and spills the beans about the plan to Sheila. Joshua is a mastermind in this game and knows what to say. Seriously, he is dodging bullets and playing a wonderful game. GO JOSH! I'd rather Sharon stay over James but, oh well, what are you gonna do? Sharon played a great game until last week when she offered herself up as a pawn---she just cares too much about Josh and that has ruined her game.

It's Joshtastic!!! JOSH IS GONNA WIN THIS BIATCH!!! But, I like Baller too and I don't want him to go home either. What are the chances of a Baller and Josh final two?

I have to backtrack and talk about last night. James blowing up at Sheila was AMAZING. Basically James was awake in his bed and overheard Sheila talking about voting James out in the kitchen after she talked to James earlier in the sauna about maybe keeping him. I was expecting Sheila to cry and DOR after James called her out on all her shenanigans, but she surprisingly retained her composure. James then started crying like Matt did. Blahblahblah I'm on my little island blahblabla. As much as I despise this pink haired punk, he is at least entertaining.

Last thing I want to touch on tonight is Chelsea's exit from the Big Brother house. Talk about the best eviction speech ever! Seriously, a lot of the houseguests talk about telling people off when they leave, but they always end up not having the guts to do it. Chelsea went out with a bang and I loved every minute of it. The best part was when she said that Sheila has been rode hard. LOL! I love Chelsea and will miss her dearly.

Let's just hope that Sheila goes home next week. That would be sweet!


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