Well if you are a live feed watcher like I am, you should know by now that the DR influenced Dustin and Amber to keep Eric this week. I understand that the DR has to asks questions about a player's thoughts towards events that have happened in the house and that is fine. It's when the DR asks questions that have the motive of changing a player's strategy, that the producers cross the line. From what I have observed, that is most likely what has happened this week. The producers want to keep Eric in the game because of the America's Player twist and made sure that Kail got voted out. I just feel that this is unfair to the other players and detrimental to the show's integrity. Obviously I will keep watching because I love Big Brother, but CBS pulling stunts like this really pisses me off.
Jessica has won HOH this week and Dick and Danielle are currently on the block. I really don't want either of them to go home this week (the show would lose a lot of its entertainment value without Dick), but we will just have to see what happens with the POV competition.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Big Brother 8 Rant #5, Rigged or not Rigged? That is the question.
Posted by Tony at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Big Brother 8 Rant #4: Calm Down, SEA HAG!
Early yesterday morning Dustin, Amber and Dick struck a deal to get Eric out this week and the events that happened today sealed the deal. Wow, it really looks like Eric is going home. Amber shared a very personal story of hers with Eric, and Eric told Dick that he could use this personal story to blackmail Amber (without telling Dick what the story was). Dick wanting Eric out this week, told Amber about Eric's "secret weapon" that he could eventually use against her and Amber flipped a shit. This morning Amber became a monster and screamed at Eric calling him out on trying to blackmail her with everyone watching. Amber: "You are a demon in disguise! You piece of shit!" It was brutal and probably the most shocking scene I have seen all season. Poor Eric, he is scrambling around trying to recapture some votes and is currently working Zach with little success. Oh well dude, if you didn't open your mouth all week long talking too much shit about people you wouldn't be in this position. CBS, looks like your AP twist came up short of what you wanted it to be.
Tony's BB likeablity ranking list (1 being my favorite contestant):
1. Jen: She has been on the block three times in a row and is playing a really smart game laying low and collecting information from all sides with ease.
2. Danielle: She has really surprised me in the last few weeks. She's actually really smart and quickly picks up on information circulating around the house. I hope Danielle and Jen hook up and form an alliance---they would be unstoppable.
3. Dustin: Yes, I still like Dustin. He has said some things in the past couple weeks that have put a frown on my face, but I still think he is one of the stronger players left in the house.
4. Eric: Smart guy who made some bad decisions. Hope you don't go home, but it looks grim.
5. Zach: One of the more tolerable people in the house. He has really opened up this last week and is showing more personality.
6. Dick: I have a love hate relationship with Dick. I like him because he makes the show fun to watch, but at the same time he has been a complete asshole to Jen, which I don't appreciate.
7. Jameka: I love watching her psychotic prayers, but other than that she is a complete bore.
8. Jessica: You are making me fall asleep. Say more than five words a day please.
9. Kail: You are a horrible player. Go back to your sheltered life in Oregon.
10. Amber: Ugh, although she was quite entertaining today, she is just not likeable at all. Stop crying and swearing on your daughter's life.
Posted by Tony at 1:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Big Brother 8 Rant #3
Alright, in recent Big Brother news a plane flew over the BB house during the HOH competition and a few of the houseguests saw it. It said Nick <3 Eric and Amber are liars. LNC = Nerd Herd. After Danielle won the HOH she started thinking of the banner and came to a conclusion that Eric must have been the stray vote the past two weeks. How she came to that conclusion is so far off it's hilarious, but she did correctly target the right person. Dani thought that Eric and Kail have been in an alliance since week one. She talked with her dad about how Eric was up in the hoh room with kail for many hours the first week scheming. She also believes that Eric set the LNC up to vote out Mike and Nick these past two weeks and that Eric voted for Kail to leave both weeks to make it look like Nick voted to evict Kail on the week Mike left and Danielle voted to evict Kail on the week Nick left. Oh boy, Dani, YOU ARE SO WRONG.
Dani decided to nominate Jen and Kail for eviction, with the intention of backdooring Eric. Jen won the POV (yay!) and Dick and Jen came to a truth....Now, Dick, Danielle and Jen are in an alliance. Wow.
All I have to say is that I am so happy my girl Jen is safe this week. Go girl! Even better , she is now in an alliance with Dick and Danielle, which could only benefit her.
Dick and Danielle decided to tell Jessica about their plan, which was such a bad move because Jessica went and told Eric what they were planning on doing. I am just waiting for the house to erupt tommorow after the veto ceremony. Everyone is gonna be super paranoid and pissed. It's gonna be fun.
If they decide to vote out Kail this week, who cannot play in the next 5 HOH competitions (a sacrifice she made during the veto competition) then they are all dumbasses. Eric is a much bigger threat than Kail will ever be.
Anyway that's it for now. I don't want eric to leave this week, but he has definitely dug a huge hole for himself.
Posted by Tony at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 03, 2007
Big Brother 8 Rant #2
OMFG OMFG OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!! Danielle just won HOH and it is pissing me off so much. Seriously! This whole season is going to go down the fucking drain if Jen leaves next week. Without Jen in the house the show is gonna be pretty boring to watch. I absolutely hate how everyone, with the exception of Jen, is so scared of Dick and not willing to stand up to him. I predict that Danielle will most likely put up Zach and Kail with the intention of backdooring Jen. This means that Jen absolutely has to win the veto competition this week or else she is getting the boot. This is really a sad day.
Dick is getting on my last nerve. He is really a smelly fart bitch. I mean honestly, stop treating Jen with such disrespect---it just makes you look bad. No wonder your daughter hates you, you are an embarassing douchebag.
Nick really should not have gone home this week, he's at least tolerable. Kail, on the otherhand, is a slimy dish rag who is extremely dull and lacking of personality. Seriously, go back home to Oregon and continue making an ass out of yourself with your ignorant comments about homosexuals.
Posted by Tony at 2:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Big Brother 8 Rant #1
Summer is here and Big Brother is well on its way. Tommorow is eviction night and it looks like Nick, the only houseguest from Minnesota, is getting the boot tommorow. Unfortunately, Nick is not one of my favorites this year. He's that jock in high school who gets pissed off easily for no good reason. The showmance he has going with Danielle is getting on my nerves because it's not cute in any way---not to mention the fact that Danielle is a whiney bitch. Nick is also a tactless and boring muscle head who doesn't know how to play the game. I really wish he was more entertaining, but he just sucks in every way. Man, the way he went up to Jen and told her to shut the fuck up like a thousand times when she made the 12 year old comment made me so mad.
Jen is one of my favorite houseguests this year. At first I thought she was just a dumb brunette who didn't know what the fuck she was doing, but she has grown on me considerably. I love the way she handles Dick when he is spewing shit out of his mouth about her. She just shrugs him off whenever he tries to get into her mind and it pisses him off so much. God! I love it! I don't know how she handles all of those horrid comments he makes about her, but it's quite amazing to watch. Jen is a gusty woman and I really hope she makes it to the final 3. OMG that comment she made about Dustin being a slimy turd in the diary room at the end of Tuesday's episode was classic. lol.
One of my other favorites this year is Eric, America's Player. There is no doubt in my mind that he is the smartest player in the house. Not only does he have to complete the tasks that America gives him (i.e voting to evict a houseguest America wants out of the house instead of his own choice) , but he also has to manipulate people in his alliance (LNC) so that he doesn't get caught going against their wishes . He has a lot on his shoulders as America's player and he is handling the added pressure extremely very well. If it wasn't for the whole AP thing Eric would most likely win this season, but since he has a disadvantage, he won't be able to play the game the way he wants to. We will see...If he wins this season, he will take Dr. Will's place as the best player in BB history.
Posted by Tony at 4:51 PM 0 comments